Facts and data

  • Markets to be explored - Messico

    The Mexican market for packaging machinery and packaging is highly dynamic, Italian technology is popular with Mexican businesses and large multinationals present in the country with direct foreign investment, aimed at serving the domestic and the north American markets.
  • Italian Packaging industry posts record turnover 

    The Italian packaging machinery manufacturers have posted a 2011 turnover of more than 4,300 million euro. Forecasts are cautious for the current year. In view of the slowdown in the last few months of 2011, the projections for 2012 are in line with the previous year’s turnover levels.
  • Responsible, day in, day out

    ETHICAL DESIGN Fine ideas, simple and elegant, innovative but feasible at the same time, faithful to a design process that revolves around the ethics of responsibility ... And perhaps for this reason, capable of positively influencing our ways of being consumers/citizens. Suggestions from the show "Responsabilmente" and an invitation to consider the quality, values and contents of a form of…
  • The Green Soul System is three years old

    Marketing, products and ideas for sustainability from the Gerosa Group, rethinking the value chain, from raw material to waste, finding solutions that can dramatically reduce the negative effects of human activities on the environment.
  • Energy? Let the sun foot the bill

    Investing in photovoltaic is worthwhile. This is borne witness to by Imballaggi Montevecchi Imola after they installed a system designed and built by Alter Eco on their company premises.
  • Labels online: the qualitative leap

    ON DEMAND Pixartprinting powers up its label web-to-print service, investing in dedicated latest generation equipment. Objective: ensure flexibility and maximum quality on both very short runs as well as with larger lots while printing on any material, with on-time delivery and “web” type costs.
  • Glass packaging – Data 2011

    FACTS AND FIGURES According to an initial balance on activity for the year 2011 the Italian glass packaging production sector has put in a good showing: export figures, linked to the performance of certain foodstuffs, are encouraging, but the Italian domestic market also put in a good performance.
  • Ethical and OTC products: packaging

    FIGURES AND TRENDS The performance of a segment and packaging of various pharmaceutical forms. 2011 saw a mild slowdown in exports, while the Italian domestic market put in a good performance.
    Plinio Iascone
  • Markets to be explored - United Arab Emirates

    The Packaging Sector in the United Arab Emirates has prospered from the expansion, diversification and growth of the national economy, which is one of the largest emerging economies in the Middle East and Africa and ranks second to the economy of Saudi Arabia.
  • Pharmaceuticals: a sector fair

    As announced with due emphasis during Ipack-Ima: the triennial show Pharmintech (Bologna, 17th-19th April 2013), focused on process technologies and packaging for the pharmaceutical industry, is approaching its fourth edition and changes pace.
  • Packaging: the amount produced

    According to preliminary results, 2011 ended with a limited increase
    of around 0.3% in terms of figures expressed in tons.
  • Metal packaging – Data 2011

    DATA & FACTS Figures and use trends for containers ever up-to-date despite their "age", and that have been able to reinvent themselves by exploiting their traditional strengths of being tamper-proof, sturdy, guaranteeing an absolute barrier to external agents and perfect product preservation as well as being recyclable.  Plinio Iascone
  • Pre-packaged fresh produce

    IN BRIEF How and why they are appreciated: packaging high in service content for delicatessen and fresh produce.  
    Plinio Iascone
  • Packaging food preserves

    DATA in brief, the numbers and characteristics of the packaging of frozen foods, vegetable and ichthyic preserves. Plinio Iascone
  • The concrete reasons for choosing photovoltaic

    Environmental protection via the sun’s energy. The topic was broached in a question and answer session involving ALTER ECO (a company that designs and manufactures photovoltaic turnkey systems) and Euroscatola (producer of carboard packagings, cases and displays) by word of its AD, Silvio Cappelletti, stalwart supporter of the company’s investment and their choice of supplier.
  • Much is created and nothing destroyed…

    May Lavoisier forgive us for interpreting this aphorism in our own way in order to present the activity of Cama and its new “Non Food” division, called on to take advantage of the concern’s valuable experience in secondary packaging and robotics for the food industry.
  • Not today, maybe tomorrow

    FROM THE FEDERATION 2011’s fourth quarter slows down, and not much more is expected from the first quarter of 2012. The paper and printing industry Federation provides updates on the (diverse) dynamics of printing, paper production and converting machinery, paper and board production, printing and paper converting.

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