
  • Maurizio Gabbana

    Born 1956 in Milan, but with roots in the Marca Trevigiana, Maurizio Gabbana is self-taught. Passion has pushed him to a tireless photographic research, to realize his visions with artistic shots and to the darkroom.
  • Pure adrenaline. Chapter one

    Champoluc, 5-6 febbraio 2020. Unusual, engaging, exciting - in perfect "Sun Chemical style" -  the "Ice Driving School", wished for by the ink multinational and organized by the Toyota Driving Academy on the Champoluc Driving Park (AO) track. By Stefano Lavorini
  • Packing versus Covid 19

    We receive and gladly publish the open letter of an entrepreneur in our sector who, at the time of the Corona virus, reflects on the importance of "teaming up" in companies, but above all takes the opportunity to reaffirm the reasons, all positive, of packaging. A fine example of resilience, or of that «ability to cope with traumatic events in a positive way, to positively reorganize one's life…
  • Pino Pingitore

    Pino Pingitore, born in 1953 in Spezzano della Sila (Cosenza), lives and works in Catanzaro.
  • The paradox of environmental sustainability

    After talking about sustainability "in my own way" in the last two editorials of 2019, I received a letter from a young graduate scholar of the subject, bitter-sweet in her sincerity, which I propose to the attention of our readers.
    Given the complexity of the topic, I find it important to open an unprejudiced discussion in the magazine, with the aim of adding elements of clarity and reflection…
  • Valter Borsato

    Born in Verona in 1962, Valter Borsato started painting around the age of 15: following his instincts and being self-taught, he mostly painted landscapes and figurative works.
  • Obsessions

    The Plastic Tax now occupies the front pages of national newspapers and the large packaging supply chain is in fibrillation. By Stefano Lavorini
  • Unsustainable sustainability

    "Your youngest don’t allow you sleep, the older ones won't even let you rest"... by Stefano Lavorini
  • An alternative... based on ciauscolo (and a lot more)

    I am writing about the Marches, the title bearing a reference to the salami, of ancient peasant origins, typical to that region: rosy, fragrant, with a tasty but delicate flavor, to be spread on bread. Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
  • Caterina Arcuri

    Caterina Arcuri works in the field of research and visual experimentation and has exhibited since the 1990s.
  • Emiliano Zucchini

    Emiliano Zucchini was born in Frascati in 1982, he lives and works in Rome.
  • As Time Goes By

    Bizarre chasms open up in thinking about how our individual and collective future, as one hears repeated, is indissolubly tied to innovation in production processes.
    Our GDP will suffer if we are not capable of reducing production costs while maintaining the same quality, and/or offering the consumer new products and services with a greater added value, or that is more personalised. Editorial by…
  • Antonio Saladino

    Ceramist, sculptor and painter, Antonio Saladino lives and works in Lamezia Terme, where he was born in 1950.
  • The many colors of Nature

    Grass, herbs, trees, wheat, broom, olives, oaks ... the gradations of species are endless along with the colors that amaze us with their harmony and beauty. Nature is variety and diversity, it is the basis of our life. Let us respect it, freeing man from his egoism and obtuseness! Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
  • BEHIND THE COVER April 2019

    Maria Credidio was born in Terranova da Sibari (CS) in 1957, but lives and works in S. Demetrio Corone (CS). Alongside her work as an artist, she is a cultural operator; since 2001 she has been president of the Magna Grecia Biennale of Contemporary Art of S. Demetrio Corone.
  • Rosy's fabric

    "Ideas give people courage". This phrase, attributed to French politician Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929), offers the cue to Aldous Huxley for a broad reflection on today's reality which, in my opinion, is not so different from that of 1931 (the year in which he published his "Beliefs and Action" essay). Editorial by Stefano Lavorini.
  • Behind the cover January February 2019

    For the registry office, the Italian Tiziano Milzoni was born in 1949 in Berra (FE) and has long been living and working in a town in the province of Sondrio, where he continues to interpret himself. If instead we think of him being an artist, he “was born” in 1962 in New York and painted under the pseudonym of Mark Wright because, he says, «art can start from the name, continue with the year and…

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